Daniel Jefferson

Daniel Jefferson

  • Born:
  • Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Dark Knight quotes

    • The Joker: [in the interrogation room] I want... my phone call. I want it. I want it! I want my phone call!

      Detective Stephens: That's nice.

      The Joker: How many of your friends have I killed?

      Detective Stephens: I'm a twenty-year man. I can tell the difference between punks who need a little lesson in manners, and the freaks like you who just enjoy it.


      Detective Stephens: And you've killed six of my friends.

      The Joker: [mouths "six?"]

    • The Joker: [after a news segment, holds camera facing himself] See, this is how crazy Batman's made Gotham! If you want order in Gotham, Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in. Oh, and every day he doesn't, people will die, starting tonight. I'm a man of my word.
