Jason Fryman: Slow painful death by disease... or watching the love of your life die a slow painful death by disease?
Julie Keller: A. Definitely A. Much worse to be without the person you love than to have a slow painful death.
Julie Keller: You?
Jason Fryman: Oh, B.
Julie Keller: Really? You would rather watch the love of your life die slowly and painfully?
Jason Fryman: Well, it wouldn't be awesome, but better them than me. Got a lot of good years left.
Jason Fryman: Please, please, just let me fuck the shit out of you right now. And if you're not convinced afterwards that I am into you in every possible way a person can be into another person, then I promise I will never try to kiss you, or fuck you, or impregnate you ever again, as long as I live.
Daniel Halpern
Extended Reading