Daiva Deupree

Daiva Deupree

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Frances Ha quotes

    • Frances: Tell me the story of us.

      Sophie: Again? All right, Frances. We are gonna take over the world.

      Frances: You'll be this awesomely bitchy publishing mogul.

      Sophie: And you'll be this famous modern dancer... and I'll publish a really expensive book about you.

      Frances: That d-bags we make fun of will put on their coffee tables.

      Sophie: And we'll co-own a vacation apartment in Paris.

      Frances: And we'll have lovers.

      Sophie: And no children.

      Frances: And we'll speak at college graduations.

      Sophie: And honorary degrees.

      Frances: So many honorary degrees.

    • Frances: I'm going to use this credit card I got in the mail.

      Sophie: That's not smart. That's what they want, they want to keep you in debt.

      Frances: I know that. I see documentaries.