Clay Stokes

Clay Stokes

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Founder quotes

    • Ray Kroc: Look, if you don't wanna make a profit, that's fine.But don't stop the rest of us.

      Dick McDonald: Us?

      Ray Kroc: Us, as in everyone but you.

      Dick McDonald: Who did you send them to?

      Ray Kroc: Everyone but you.

      Dick McDonald: You have no right. You are to stop this instant, is that clear?

      Ray Kroc: Nah...

      Dick McDonald: What the hell does that mean, nah? You will abide by the terms of your deal.

      Ray Kroc: I am through taking marching orders from you... You and your endless parade of NO's. Constantly cowering in the face of progress.

      Dick McDonald: If phony powdered milkshakes is your idea of progress you have a profound misunderstand of what McDonald's is about.

      Ray Kroc: I have a far greater understanding of McDonald's than you two yokles.

      Dick McDonald: What? You will do as we say.

      Ray Kroc: Nope.

      Dick McDonald: You have a contract!

      Ray Kroc: You know, contracts are like hearts... they're made to be broken.

    • Ray Kroc: McDonald's... is... family. Isn't that great? You know what I see when I see that? Family. We're one big family. Aren't we? We have mouths to feed. That's a family.