Claudia Coulter

Claudia Coulter

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  • Extended Reading

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    Jane Eyre quotes

    • St John Rivers: We sail in six weeks. We must make marriage preparations.

      Jane Eyre: Why can we not travel as brother and sister? As equals?

      St John Rivers: That would be impossible.

      Jane Eyre: St. John, you do not love me.

      St John Rivers: Love is not an ingredient in this matter.

      [Jane turns away from him, thinking]

      St John Rivers: I fear you have not forgotten your old association despite the harm he tried to do you.

      Jane Eyre: I'll never see any of them again. But I owe a debt to my friends at Thornfield Hall. In many ways, I started my life there. I became Jane Eyre.

      St John Rivers: God made Jane Eyre! You surely don't give this man Rochester any credit for that!

      Jane Eyre: Of course not. I've always known myself. But he was the first to recognize me. And to love what he saw.

      [long pause]

      Jane Eyre: I'll give you your answer St. John soon, don't worry. And if I go with you that will be my decision. You'll have him to thank for that.

      [leaves the room]

    • Jane Eyre: You think because I am poor, plain, obscure and little, that I have no heart?