Clarence Kolb

Clarence Kolb

  • Born: 1874-7-31
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    His Girl Friday quotes

    • Walter Burns: What were you when you came here five years ago - a little college girl from a school of journalism. I took a doll-faced hick...

      Hildy Johnson: Well, you wouldn't take me if I hadn't been doll-faced.

      Walter Burns: Well, why should I? I thought it would be a novelty to have a face around here a man could look at without shuddering.

    • [Joe brings a reprieve for Earl Williams from the governor]

      Fred, the Mayor: Who else was there when he gave you this?

      Joe Pettibone: Nobody. He was out fishing.

      Fred, the Mayor: [to Sheriff Hartwell] Get the Governor on the phone.

      Joe Pettibone: No, he's not there. He's out duck shooting.

      Fred, the Mayor: The blasted nimrod... fishing, duck shooting! A guy who's done nothing for the last forty years but play pinochle gets elected governor and right away he thinks he's a Tarzan!