Cindy Hogan

Cindy Hogan

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 2" (1.57 m)
  • Extended Reading

    RocketMan quotes

    • Fred Randall: What? You ignore me the whole trip, and now that I have no air you want to chat?

    • [as a young boy, Fred Randall is looking at the stars from what appears to be a spaceship window]

      Young Fred: Gemini, this is Houston. Do you copy?

      [imitates radio static]

      Young Fred: Roger that, Houston. This is Captain Fred Randall.

      [imitates radio static]

      Young Fred: Houston, the earth looks beautiful. It's like a giant blueberry.

      [imitates radio static]

      Young Fred: Roger that, Houston. We are set to fire retrorockets.

      [imitates radio static]

      Young Fred: That's a go, Gemini. Retrofire ignition in T-minus six and counting. Five, four, three, two, one! Ignition!

      [it's revealed that young Fred is actually in a dryer and it has just been turned on]

      Young Fred: [spinning around in the dryer] Houston, we have a problem. We have a problem! Mission Control, the gyro is out! The gyro is out! Houston, we have a problem! We have a problem! I want my mommy! I want my mommy!

      [Fred's mother returns to turn off the dryer]

      Young Fred: Uh-oh.

      Mrs. Randall: Fred Z. Randall, what are you doing?

      Young Fred: I come in peace!

      Mrs. Randall: Look, George, it's our little moon man.

      Mr. Randall: [steps into the room] Sweet pickled pineapples! Why can't he play football, like the rest of the kids?

      Mrs. Randall: Oh, George!

      [as the parents leave, young Fred looks up at the stars wistfully]