Keyon 2022-09-06 23:11:43
I often cry when I watch the scene of the disappearance
In the last episode of the second season of "Missing Scene", Jack Malone applied for a job transfer and wanted to live in Chicago with his wife and daughter. This was his difficult decision. Said that he wants to maintain this family and wants to keep walking with his wife.
But the wife, sitting on... -
Taurean 2022-09-06 17:53:59
Can see the beginning but not the end
There is a very interesting statement in the online American TV forum: the 7 most popular crime detective dramas other than the CSI series are called "Seven Deadly Sins", they are the closer, Bones, Medium, Without a trace, NCIS , Criminal minds, and numb3rs. I have seen most of them, and I...

Christopher Stadulis
Paula Van Doren: You've got the rope, Jack. Don't hang yourself with it.
[On the phone with Barry Mashburn]
Barry Mashburn: I-I-I don't need anymore false promises.
Jack Malone: What are you talking about? We just started talking. There's no false promises here. What are you talking about?
Barry Mashburn: Let's just say people are liars, Jack.
Jack Malone: Okay, let's just say that people are liars. Let's just say that. But I'm not, okay? You know why I'm not? Because I have to keep my credibility. If I lie, I lose my credibility with you and that's not good, because we have to work this out together. You understand? We have to work this thing out together.