Gen. Glen McMahon: [to the group of marines] I've spent the last week or so talking to guys who I would call middle management, but you boys are at the coal face. After all the blah blah blah, *you* boys are actually where it happens. I'd go so far as to say you boys are the only thing that counts. If it doesn't happen here, it doesn't happen, end of story.
[to Billy, who raises his hand]
Gen. Glen McMahon: Yes son?
Cpl. Billy Cole: If what doesn't happen, sir?
Gen. Glen McMahon: *It*, son.
Cpl. Billy Cole: Okay, thank you, sir.
Gen. Glen McMahon: Does anyone here know what "it" is? Anyone?
Gen. Glen McMahon: *Any* one?
[points to Ricky who's raised his hand]
Ricky Ortega: To- uh, secure the area, sir? To protect the people from the enemy so they can go about building their lives.
Gen. Glen McMahon: Okay. O-kay. Thank you, Sarge.
Cpl. Billy Cole: Okay, but I can't tell the difference between the people and the enemy. They all look alike to me. I'm sure they're the same people, sir.
President Karzai: Your predecessor, General Whelan! I liked him! I'm not entirely certain he liked *me*; he didn't visit very often. Why was he dismissed? It seems- uhh, one minute he was here- uh, next minute, not here.
Gen. Glen McMahon: Ah. Well, Mr. President, I think our government simply felt it was time our effort took a new direction.
President Karzai: And uh, what is this new direction?
Gen. Glen McMahon: Ah! It's most important to me that we *build* Afghanistan. Together, we build Afghanistan into a free and prosperous nation, free from fear and conflict.
President Karzai: I see.
Gen. Glen McMahon: Yeah.
President Karzai: I see. Sounds a lot like the *old* direction.
Christopher Sherwood
Extended Reading