Christopher Jon Gombos

Christopher Jon Gombos

  • Born: 1968-11-18
  • Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Life Before Her Eyes quotes

    • Maureen: How did you do on that test?

      Young Diana: I did ok, I got the one about the heart...

      Young Diana: I don't really think that's true though, Maureen - -about it being the strongest muscle...

      Young Diana: [crying] I don't think in my case it is at all.

    • Young Diana: [first lines - smoking in the locker room] That old bitch! I'm serious, if I have to jump over another pummel horse, or whatever they're called.

      Maureen: You guys should probably put that out.

      Young Diana: Why?

      Maureen: Shrankins is like 5 feet behind me.