Lola 2022-10-12 22:27:30
Disc Watching Report: A Good Film That Was Overlooked - Watch "Indian Treasures\Cut Throat Island" again (
It's an old movie, and it's been a big hit for quite some time, and that's because it's one of the most money-losing films of all time. Although I received D5 from JF, and then Jane Jiu from DNA, but because of its reputation as a box office failure, I have never been interested in watching it....

Christopher Adamson
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Dawg: [after boarding Morgan's ship] Who wants to die first?
[first lines]
Lieutenant: [Morgan is getting dressed into her pirating capri pants and vest] You're leaving? But I thought you and I were forever... I want you so badly!
Glasspoole: [shouts from outside] Morgan! Morgan!
Lieutenant: [pulls a pistol on a surprised Morgan; with a heavy accent and over Glasspoole's shouts] But then... so does the Governor of Port Royal! He will be pleased by the capture of Morgan Adams the PIRATE.
Morgan Adams: You knew who I was?
Lieutenant: All along.
Glasspoole: [scene show Glasspoole waiting with Bowen on their horses] Morgan! Where are you?
Morgan Adams: [sternly] You are heartless, Lieutenant.
Lieutenant: [apologetically] My apologies, señorita.
Morgan Adams: [suddenly smiles; as she puts her belt on] But... You are right! I thought it more amusing this way. In fact, *I* knew that *You* knew... By the way, that won't work.
[the lieutenant looks confused. King Charles, Morgan's pet monkey, hands Morgan something; which she reveals to be the lieutenant's pistol's bullets]
Morgan Adams: See? I took your balls.
[She leaves with King Charles; leaving the lieutenant dumbfounded with his empty pistol]