Christina Cabot

Christina Cabot

  • Born: 1969-12-16
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: "Fight Club" "Pole Dancer" "Man on the Moon"
  • Christina Cabot, actor, participated in the movie " Fight Club " in 1999, in the movie " Man on the Moon " in 1999, and in the TV series " The Sopranos " in 1999 .
    Extended Reading

    Dancing at the Blue Iguana quotes

    • Jo: You think you'r the only person with reproductive organs. I'm gonna have this fucking baby. I'm gonna have this baby and my baby is gonna sell drugs to your baby on the playground. Do you know that. You fucking bitch.

    • Jasmine: [about her poetry] It's about the things inside you.

      Nico: Things inside *you*.