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  • Extended Reading

    Bridget Jones's Diary quotes

    • Bridget: Are you staying at your parents for New Years?

      Mark Darcy: Yes. You?

      Bridget: Ah, no. Was at a party in London last night, I'm afraid I'm a bit hungover.

      [nervous laugh]

      Bridget: Wish I could be home with my head in a toilet like all normal people...


      Bridget: ...ah! New Year's Resolution: drink less... and quit smoking... and quit talking total nonsense to strangers... actually, quit talking, full stop.

      [awkward silence]

      Mark Darcy: Yes. Well. Perhaps it's time to eat.

    • Pam Jones: [as demonstrator at shopping mall] Yes... Now how many of you "have it oeuf"... have it oeuf... it's French... All you do is put the egg in here like this... and... up, down, up, down...


      Pam Jones: ...and voila! Ooh, mind the over-spray, dear.