Chip Godwin

Chip Godwin

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Adaptation. quotes

    • Marty: I'd fuck her up the ass!

    • John Laroche: [viewing an orchid at a flower show] Angraecum sesquipedale! A beauty! God! Darwin wrote about this one. Charles Darwin? Evolution guy? Hello? You see that nectary all the way down there? Darwin hypothesized a moth with a nose twelve inches long to pollinate it. Everyone thought he was a loon! Then, sure enough, they found this moth with a twelve-inch proboscis. Proboscis means "nose," by the way.

      Susan Orlean: I know what "proboscis" means.

      John Laroche: Yeah, let's not get off the subject. This isn't a pissing contest!