Colleen 2021-10-13 13:06:20
The birth of Batman and character analysis
作为诺兰的蝙蝠侠三部曲系列首部曲,《开战时刻》恰如其分地展现了各主要人物之间的关系和特点,并且为后两部中每个角色的命运埋下了伏笔。由于本片依然是站在商业片的角度,还不能成熟地将动作情节与情感情节——也就是包含了电影内涵的情节结合起来。所以,在我的第一篇影评中,很多分析情节其实是出现在影片前半部分的,影片后半部分大量篇幅其实都是正反派对抗及动作打斗,直到最后高谭市被解救了,终于才又有了几笔对人物形象的定位和电影主题的点睛。但是,相较于它的四位“前辈”来说,诺兰导筒下的蝙蝠侠从神坛上总了下来,成了一个有血有肉的人。而这一部电影,也将蝙蝠侠的诞生娓娓道来。 蝙蝠侠的真身名叫布鲁斯韦恩,是高谭市最大
Zola 2021-10-13 13:05:34
Gentleman's old man
The old butler in Batman 5 is a mess of loyalty to the old and young masters. He is extremely patient with everything. He is still personable when the sky falls. He does not forget to be humorous when he encourages, and he is calm and thoughtful. The person who cares always trusts and does...

Chike Chan
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Henri Ducard: You are stronger than your father.
Bruce Wayne: You didn't know my father.
Henri Ducard: But I know the rage that drives you.
Rachel Dawes: The DA couldn't understand why Judge Faden insisted on making the hearing public. Falcone paid him off to get Chill out in the open.
Bruce Wayne: Maybe I should be thanking them.
Rachel Dawes: You don't mean that.
Bruce Wayne: What if I do Rachel? My parents deserved justice.
Rachel Dawes: You're not talking about justice. You're talking about revenge.
Bruce Wayne: Sometimes they're the same.
Rachel Dawes: No, they're never the same, Bruce. Justice is about harmony. Revenge is about you making yourself feel better. Which is why we have an impartial system.
Bruce Wayne: Your system is broken.
Rachel Dawes: [Rachel makes a sharp turn] You care about justice? Look beyond your own pain, Bruce. This city is rotting. People talk about the depression as if its history, and it's not. Things are worse than ever down here. Falcone floods our streets with crime and drugs, preying on the desperate, creating new Joe Chills every day. Falcone not have killed your parents Bruce, but he's destroying everything they stood for.
[She parks in front of a building]
Rachel Dawes: You wanna thank him for that, here you go. We all know where to find him, but as long as he keeps the bad people rich and the good people scared no one will touch him. Good people like your parents who will stand against injustice, they're gone. What chance does Gotham have when the good people do nothing?
Bruce Wayne: I'm not one of your good people, Rachel.
Rachel Dawes: What do you mean?
Bruce Wayne: All these years I wanted to kill him.
[reveals his gun]
Bruce Wayne: Now I can't.
Rachel Dawes: [Rachel slaps him twice] Your father would be ashamed of you.