Brennon 2022-10-09 21:41:40
Pretty cool today
The first live-action Batman movie, for people in 1966, did not know what social commentary was like, but in 2014 today, not many people should pay attention to such a film.
First of all, judging from the film, this should be a Batman movie that is closer to the original comic book, but it is... -
Lacy 2022-10-09 22:03:44
"This old man is a little funny"
The first official Batman movie in history (in fact, a Batman movie was released in 1964 - "Batman, Dracula" (Batman, Dracula), but because it has not been authorized by DC, it can only be regarded as a fan), and Batman's dark style is very different now, the film is a low-key action comedy, and...

Burt Ward
[Batman and Robin are running to the United World Building]
Robin: Holy marathon! I'm getting a stitch, Batman!
Batman: Let's hope that it's a stitch in time, Robin, that saves nine - The nine members of the United World Security Council. Come on.
Robin: [pointing toward the sky] That crazy missile! It wrote two more riddles before it blew up!
Batman: [reading a skywritten message] "What goes up white and comes down yellow and white?"
Robin: An egg!
Batman: [reading another skywritten message] "How do you divide seventeen apples among sixteen people?"
Robin: Make applesauce!
Batman: [thinking out loud] Apples into applesauce - A unification into one smooth mixture. An egg - nature's perfect container. The container of all our hopes for the future.
Robin: A unification and a container of hope? United World Organization!
Batman: Precisely, Robin! And there's a special meeting of the Security Council today. If what I fear is true...
Robin: Wow! Let's commandeer a taxi!
Batman: No, Robin. Not at this time of day. Luckily, we're in tip-top condition. It'll be faster if we run. Let's go!