Bruce Bruce

Bruce Bruce

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: Car Wash, Hair Show, Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector
  • Bruce Bruce, actor, starred in the movies "Car Wash", "Hair Show" and " Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector ". [1] 

    Performing Experience

    Participated in the movie "Car Wash".
    Participated in the movie "Extreme Agent 2".
    Participated in the movie "The Hair Show".
    Participated in the movie "Edward Wilder".
    In the movie "Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector".
    Participated in the movie "Who's Your Caddy?" ".
    Participated in the movie " Think Like a Man ".
    Participated in the movie "Top Five in the Industry". 
    Extended Reading

    xXx: State of the Union quotes

    • Darius Stone: How's the jaw, General?

      Gen. George Octavius Deckert: I think of you every time I chew steak!

      Darius Stone: And I thought of you every night I spent in prison!

    • Uptight Businessman: You got any advice for us?

      Darius Stone: Well, Dick, perhaps you could tell your members to stop buyin' country music, stop burnin' crosses, and stop shootin' black folks. Hear me? Now, if that don't work, try a cookout with free food. Preferably fried.