Brittany Ashworth

Brittany Ashworth

  • Born: 1989-0-0
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: "Son and Lover" "My Old Mother Makes Revolution" "Exhibit A"
  • Brittany Ashworth, actor, participated in the movie "Sons and Lovers" in 2003, in the movie "My Mother Makes Revolution" in 2007, and in the movie "Exhibit A" in 2007. [1] 

    Performing Experience

    Participated in the movie "Sons and Lovers" in 2003.
    In 2007, he participated in the movie "My Mother Makes a Revolution".
    Participated in the movie "Exhibit A" in 2007.
    In 2017, he participated in the movie "Xing Li".
    In 2017, he participated in the movie "Hostile".