[In the motel room, Fran and Rudy are having sex. Fran is moaning in pleasure as Harold, tied up in a chair, drags himself to the opened door to find Fran cheating on him as they're performing the woman-on-top position]
Harold Carvey, DVM: [screams] Hey! HEY!
Fran Carvey: [laughs] It's Harold!
[Fran and Rudy laugh as they cover themselves]
Rudy Travis: Harold, get back in there, ya pervert.
[Rudy shuts the bathroom door on him; Harold screams and groans in anger and agony]
Carol: Oh, I guess we should stop, 'cause Harold has to pee.
Rudy Travis: Get back in the front. Get back up there with Harold! Get up there!
Harold Carvey, DVM: I don't want to play... this game... anymore!
Rudy Travis: You pee in your pants.
Brian Patterson
Extended Reading