Brent Latchaw

Brent Latchaw

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Young Adult quotes

    • Buddy Slade: What's wrong?

      Beth Slade: Nothing.

      Mavis Gary: Nothing? What do you mean nothing? My God! What is wrong with you? Are you like one of those little kids who need a fucking chart to learn feelings? Stand up for yourself! Why are you covering for me?

      Hedda Gary: That's enough, Mavis! You're drunk.

      Mavis Gary: Oh, I've been drunk since I've been back, mom, and nobody gave two shits until this one got all bent out of shape.

      Buddy Slade: Mavis, what the hell is going on?

      Mavis Gary: Why did you invite me?

      Buddy Slade: I didn't invite you. My wife did. Beth practically forced me to call you. She feels sorry for you. We all do, Mavis. It's obvious you're having some mental sickness, some depression. You're very lonely and confused. So Beth made me invite you here even though I knew it was a mistake. I knew it.

      Mavis Gary: You're lying.

      Beth Slade: He's not.

      Mavis Gary: Well. What about now? You hate me now? Cause it should be easy because I fucking hate you.

    • Mavis Gary: I hate this town! It's a hick, lake town that smells of fish shit!