Brandon Hudson

Brandon Hudson

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  • Extended Reading

    The Only Living Boy in New York quotes

    • W.F. Gerald: What do you want?

      Thomas Webb: Well, my father stop seeing this woman.

      W.F. Gerald: No, no, no, in life?... You know, in your life... You want more money?... You want more respect? What is that you want? Think about it, really think about it.

      Thomas Webb: I wanna be better.

      W.F. Gerald: Better?... In what?

      Thomas Webb: I don't know.

    • Uncle Buster: [Giving a wedding toast] I'm Uncle Buster... Walter's not here because... He's doing two to five. It's no secret. 'Cause, you all know, two to five, for doing the right thing. For believing in the poetry of the constitution. I have only a few thoughts... Drama... Dramatics of marital romance. Staying together. Like the gypsy... told me the poems, written in life lines are never guaranteed. They get busted up. Its moral begins new poetry. Another romance that will explode from time to time... Poetry of married people, like, the Aurora Borealis. Strewn like stars in the sky and the drama of your lives begins. Chapter after chapter... Stories... Books... Revolutions, as I know, will come. I've seen many, lived through them. They play in the least expected places... So get ready. Casey understands Howard. Howard, knows Casey... No. No, not yet... There's always mystery. You both know that. You both know it isn't perfect... Excitement. Trust... and struggle... And the unknown privacies... That keep us together... Glue of struggle... I raise my glass. Fragile glass who was stumped on and shattered. And we'll forever be putting back together. Like the puzzles, we first worked as children... Learning to be patient... Searching for what fits... So many puzzles... So many books in this room... I talk too much... Let's dance.