Ulises 2022-11-12 12:42:41
Memories of the past
Film Review Chapter 550 "Bad Boys 3" - Recalling the past
The film "Jedi Boys 3" premiered in the United States on January 17.
Isidro 2022-11-16 10:39:36
Vibrant drag racing, mindless gunfights, can Will Smith be saved?
Twenty-five years after "Bad Boys" and 17 years after "Jedi Boys 2," starring Will Smith (Mike) and Martin Lawrence (Marcus) -- and director of film careers -- have their own successes Michael Bay reunited again. After years of polishing, the three of them did not seem to be able to shine new this...

Brandi Cohen
Extended Reading
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Mike: Hey, nobody touches the shooter. He's mine!
Marcus: Uh, yes he is...
Marcus: You're dying your goatee, Mike.
Mike: What?
Marcus: You're dying your goatee.
Mike: I'm not dying my goatee.
Marcus: Yeah, that's Midnight Cocoa Bean. I recognise that shit.