Bill Martin

Bill Martin

  • Born: 1945-10-8
  • Height: 6' 5½" (1.97 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Transformers quotes

    • Optimus Prime: Just remember, there's a thin line between being a hero and being a memory.

    • Starscream: Nobody turns his back on me!

      [blasts Megatron]

      Starscream: Decepticons, feast your eyes on your new leader.

      [Megatron awakens and kicks Starscream to the ground]

      Starscream: What the...? Megatron! You're... you're dead! I terminated you!

      Megatron: Fool. I can not be terminated by a single blast from your puny weapon. I'm sick of your endless quest for power. Especially at the cost of losing mine!

      Starscream: [to Decepticons] Don't just stand there! DO something! Your new leader orders you to slay Megatron!

      Megatron: You're a fool Starscream if you think anyone would follow your orders.

      Starscream: Just wait Megatron. One of these days I will have my revenge.

      Megatron: You and what army?