Salma 2022-07-04 19:58:02
Condensed five hours of love
Sadness of old age, many master-level figures have shown.
Ozu used "Tokyo Story" to express the hopelessness and forbearance of the Eastern way;
Mastroianni performed "Journey to the Family", with more skills and less grief;
Ang Lee's early trilogy, "Pushing Hands" The old mother... -
Talon 2022-07-04 17:48:32
Traditional content, advanced topics!
Good subject matter, good expression, the core of its expression is an eternal issue, that is, in any era and family, there will be such superfluous parents and unfilial children who escape the responsibility of supporting their parents, and the lack of emotional care for the elderly is both a A...

Beulah Bondi
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Lucy Cooper: Oh, Rhoda!
[Pats her hand]
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[He folds his arms]
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