Jamil 2021-12-07 08:01:09
Female pig, why are you so hypocritical?
It was completely directed at the male pig, the small figure and the small eyes, tut.
But I feel that the female pig is weak. Although she may be a huntress, she is a bit too hypocritical. Can't get out of the shadow of 5 years ago, and persuaded his father; in fact, I like male pigs in my... -
Angel 2022-03-18 09:01:02
Counting the plots and plots of Arrow borrowing from other film and television works
The first thing to bear the brunt is "Revenge". There are too many similarities, not one by one,
and then "Batman Episode One". The ex-girlfriend is a lawyer, and there is a policeman with a sense of justice and a butler with a sense of justice. Here is represented as a former bodyguard,
then there...

Beni Gottesman
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