Belinda Bauer

Belinda Bauer

  • Born: 1950-6-13
  • Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
  • Profession: screenwriter
  • Representative Works: "Happy Now"
  • Belinda Bauer, screenwriter, main work "Happy Now".
    Extended Reading

    Flashdance quotes

    • Nick: [watching Alex eat with her fingers at a 5 star restaurant] How's the lobster?

      Alex Owens: [seductively places more lobster in her mouth, licks her lips] It sucks.

      Nick: Want some of mine?

      Alex Owens: [slowly pulls her middle finger out of her mouth] I'm hungry. Thanks.

      Nick: Whatever turns you on.

      Alex Owens: What turns you on?

    • Katie Hurley: You're not really a welder, are you?

      Alex Owens: Yes, I really am.

      Katie Hurley: And - and you really take your clothes off at night?

      Alex Owens: Well, I don't *really* take them off.

      Katie Hurley: Oh, I was under the impression that you did.