Beichô Katsura

Beichô Katsura

  • Born: 1925-11-6
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Pom Poko quotes

    • Kiyo: So, what about the hunter song?

      Shokichi: Oh. My dad used to sing it to me, when I was just a cub.

      Kiyo: Sounds like your father was kind of strange.

      Shokichi: M-hm. He'd sing, "Fried 'em up and ate 'em" really loudly. And then he'd give me a lecture.

      Kiyo: About what?

      Shokichi: He'd say, "Did you hear that, son? Even in children's nursery rhymes, humans sing about how they love to shoot us, and then fry us up. Humans are sick, cruel, heartless beasts, and don't you forget it, Shoukichi."

    • Seizaemon: All pray!

      [the tanuki put their hands together and bow]

      Osho: I'd like to say a prayer for the victims of this operation.

      [At this point, some of the tanuki start to snigger]

      Osho: We wish that we could save our forest without harming any humans. That was never our intention, but our forest is near and dear to us, and we...

      [the tanuki all burst into raucous laughter and head for the exit]