Barrington Bignall

Barrington Bignall

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  • Extended Reading

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    Exit Wounds quotes

    • Useldinger: Come on! There he is.

      Matt Montini: Pop him. Pop him now!

    • Frank Daniels: Don't give me that look. I've been on the force way too long, Orin, laying my life on the line every day. And for what? A lousy forty thousand a year. Well the hell with that? And now you have single handedly screwed up my whole operation.

      Sgt. Lewis Strutt: It's our operation.

      Frank Daniels: Let's get one thing straight here. I run this show, not you, not him, none of you.

      Sgt. Lewis Strutt: Prove it.

      [pointing at Orin Boyd]

      Sgt. Lewis Strutt: Kill him.