Barbara Bosson

Barbara Bosson

  • Born: 1939-11-1
  • Height: 5' 7" (1.7 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Capricorn One quotes

    • Congressman Hollis Peaker: [to the young NASA usher he previously mildly bullied into bringing another set of commemorative binoculars for his wife, who has just handed both the vice president and his wife a pair] What's your name, son?

      N.A.S.A. Usher: Hughes, sir - Mark Hughes.

      Congressman Hollis Peaker: You learn pretty quick. You'll do alright.

    • Lt. Col Peter Willis: [Delirious, crawling up a cliff] Guy travels to Europe for a vacation... it's his first time, he sees the sights, has a real good time... after a while he decides to call home... gets his brother on the phone and says 'so how are things back home?'

      [pauses, panting]

      Lt. Col Peter Willis: ... and the brother says 'your cat died!'... the guy says 'you shouldn't break bad news like that, you should...

      [pauses, strains as he pulls himself upwards]

      Lt. Col Peter Willis: ... break it to me gently... like, you should say, 'the cat crawled out on the roof... chasing a squirrel... and got stuck...

      [pauses, panting heavily]

      Lt. Col Peter Willis: we had to call the fire department... the fireman climbed up and got the cat, but on the way down he slipped... the cat fell to the ground...

      [slips, yelps as he struggles to find footing - secures himself, wheezes with exhaustion]

      Lt. Col Peter Willis: ... we had to take the cat to the vet... they tried to save the cat, they even operated... on the cat... but it was too late... they couldn't save the cat'... that's how you should break bad news like that'... so the guys says to his brother, 'anyway, how's mom?'... and the brother says

      [pulls himself to the top of the cliff in a final effort]

      Lt. Col Peter Willis: 'SHE'S ON THE ROOF!'...

      [looks up and sees the two helicopters waiting for him]

      Lt. Col Peter Willis: She's on the roof! Ha! Ha-ha! Get it...? She's on the roof...

      [Lets off the flare]