Beulah 2022-10-05 11:12:16
I can't help laughing
Human Purge, Endless Killing, was supposed to be a depressing movie, but I laughed, and yes, I laughed.
I saw in the film that because of the proliferation of guns, on the day of the eradication of human beings, when everyone could shoot each other with guns, racial killings, and targeted...

Baker Wiles
Extended Reading
Lead Merc: You rich can hide behind your steel walls, no more! Powerless, how's that feel? It's the *real* purge! THE FOREVER PURGE!
[last lines]
Caleb Tucker: [defiantly] So Stan/Kirk/Chicago From My Family To Yours
Caleb Tucker: [to Stan/Kirk/Chicago rather amused] You're just their lackey... this was cooked up by some rich old white folks who've NEVER BEEN IN A FIST FIGHT IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE