Azura Skye

Azura Skye

  • Born: 1981-11-8
  • Height: 5' 7" (1.7 m)
  • Extended Reading

    One Missed Call quotes

    • Brian Sousa: [to Beth] You know, I can hear you analyzing me in your head. You might as well do it out loud.

      Beth Raymond: Ok, I think that you're still messed up over Leann. You think that if you flirt with Taylor maybe Leann'll get jealous and come back to you


      Brian Sousa: [smiles] Go back to analyzing me in your head. I think I like that better.

    • Beth Raymond: [to Leann about Shelley Baum's funeral] Hey. How was it?

      Leann Cole: It was a funeral. It sucked.

      Leann Cole: From now on, I only go to parties where no one gets cremated.

      Beth Raymond: How are Shelley's parents?

      Leann Cole: Considering their 24-year-old daughter drowned in the backyard pond. They're great.

      Beth Raymond: And you?

      Leann Cole: I knew Shelley. We interned at Saint Luke's together. I mean, she was not crazy.

      Beth Raymond: I know but the way she was talking at the end was pretty...

      Leann Cole: Yeah, that doesn't mean she killed herself.

      [Leann's phone rings]