Shirley 2021-11-22 18:54:24
Selling meat, but not just selling meat
很早之前就听说了这部片子,很多在国外已经在电影院看完的人都评论说巨烂,像我这种资深的文艺男青年,已经做好了下载完免费的720P蓝光版然后看完对着几个肌肉男的光屁股撸完然后把它存在我装GV的F盘然后上豆瓣打一星把片子从里到外批得一文不值的准备。 然后,我发现,这部片子没那么差的。 曾几何时,一个十几岁的小帅哥,不知道人生啊未来啊该干什么,明明可以凭着体育生奖学金升入一个好大学,却选择了跟学校球队的教练干架,被退学,去工地干活儿,偷东西被开除,结果,阴差阳错当脱衣舞男,居然爱上了这行。 小帅哥的姐姐不理解小帅哥的行为,事实上,很多人都无法了解,但是老帅哥钱宁却非常理解——因为他只有19岁,他冲动
Everett 2021-11-22 18:54:24
Introduction One-Sentence Comment Highlights
◎ Introduction
The film is based ** Gigolo experience Channing Tatum youth adaptation, in addition, Matthew McConaughey, Alex Pettyfer, Matt Pomona and other sexy actor will join .
Magic Mike is an experienced male dance star. He has a student whose stage name is Kid, who is learning...

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Mike Martingano: [dressed as a police officer] Good evening. You live here?
Kim: Yeah.
Mike Martingano: Yeah? What's your name?
Kim: Kim.
Mike Martingano: Kim, can you move back for me, please?
[enters house full of women]
Mike Martingano: We keep getting complaints about noise and underage drinking. Everybody sit down, we're gonna be here for a while! You don't have anything sharp on you that I can stick myself with, do you?
Kim: No.
Mike Martingano: Good. 'Cause I do!
Mike Martingano: [rips off pants, women scream]
Dallas: Will you welcome to the stage, the one, the only... Magic Mike!