Aqua Lee

Aqua Lee

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' (1.52 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Great Debaters quotes

    • James Farmer Jr.: We can't win without him!

      [Melvin Tolson]

      Samantha: You're wrong, we can't win without him.

      [as she tosses a book at Farmer]

      James Farmer Jr.: Thoreau?

    • Henry Lowe: A brilliant young woman I know was asked once to support her argument in favor of social welfare. She named the most powerful source imaginable: the look in a mother's face when she cannot feed her children. Can you look that hungry child in the eyes? See the blood on his feet from working barefoot in the cotton fields. Or do you ask his baby sister with her belly swollen from hunger if she cares about her daddy's work ethics?