Ezequiel 2022-06-25 16:41:13
Blind political correctness makes works superficial
Such a good comic is made weird by zz right... The story background and reality are really a bit similar, the same as the original: Superman stole Stalin's position and began to centralize the Soviet Union. Batman became a riot boss by being incited to have an excessive amount of antisocial...
Electa 2022-06-25 20:42:28
Sam Liu is getting darker and darker on the road of destroying the classics.
Friends who are familiar with DC animation should know director Sam Liu very well. Many of his works at that time, such as "Batman Year One", "Batman and Superman Public Enemy", "Justice League Crisis on Two Earths" and "Justice League War of Gods and Demons" are very classic.
But the last few Sam...

Anna Vocino
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Wonder Woman: I come from an island of all women. Work it out for yourself.
Superman: You used me! Manipulated me as if I was a brainless puppet!
Brainiac: My methods were not unlike yours, only more efficent.
Superman: Until now!
[Heats up the forcefield to get to Brainiac who tries stop him using robotic arms but fail to Superman's strength, he then shoves his fist through Brainiac's body]
Brainiac: [Last words] This is illogical, you're merely a being of flesh while I'm...
Superman: A useless machine.
[Tears Brainiac's head off with the spine, then crushes the head with his foot]