Angelo Mercado Jr

Angelo Mercado Jr

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    Henry's Crime quotes

    • Henry Torne: [reading from the book] l just want your wonderful, tender eyes to look at me like they did then

      Julie: Say it without the book now.

      Henry Torne: l just want your wonderful, tender eyes to look at me like they did then.

      Julie: Oh, I'm so glad I ran you over.

      Henry Torne: Me too.

    • Julie: What were you in prison for, Max?

      Max: I was a confidence man.

      Julie: You mean a con man?

      Max: I um... l don't like that word. Er, "confidence" is a little more elegant. "Confidence" comes from the Greek "fides", meaning faith and belief.

      Julie: Greek? I thought it was Latin.

      Max: Well, yes, it is... it is now.

      Julie: So, essentially, you make people feel good and then you rip 'em off?

      Max: Yes. But I was always a little better at the feeling good part than I was with the ripping off part, hence jail