Angela Bartys

Angela Bartys

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue quotes

    • Dr. Griffiths: [as Lizzy is hovering] I - I don't understand.

      Lizzy: You don't have to understand. You just have to believe.

    • Dr. Griffiths: [Lizzy has unintentionally trashed her room after her first flying attempt] Look at this room! It looks like a cyclone hit it!

      Lizzy: It's not that bad.

      Dr. Griffiths: Not that bad? Your books are all over the floor, your toys are everywhere, and you've torn your curtains!

      [looks up]

      Dr. Griffiths: What? HOW did you get FOOTPRINTS on the CEILING?


      Dr. Griffiths: This is simply too much. A temper tantrum of this magnitude is unacceptable.

      Lizzy: But I wasn't having a tantrum!

      Dr. Griffiths: Then how did this happen? And the TRUTH this time.

      Lizzy: [nervously] If I tell you the truth...


      Lizzy: you still wouldn't believe me!

      Dr. Griffiths: [sternly] Elizabeth, the truth.

      Lizzy: ...I was flying! My fairy showed me how.

      Dr. Griffiths: Oh, for goodness sakes! Your make-believe fairy did this. You've got to stop this nonsense!

      Lizzy: But it's not nonsense, Father! It's the truth!

      Dr. Griffiths: You have a real fairy, living in your room.

      Lizzy: Yes! And I can prove it.

      [picks up the fairy field journal she and Tinker Bell made and holds it out for her father]

      Lizzy: Just look at the research we did.

      Dr. Griffiths: [takes the field journal and flips through a few pages] Oh, Elizabeth, *this* is what you've been doing?

      [closes the journal]

      Dr. Griffiths: Field journals are to be filled with FACT, not fairy tales!

      Lizzy: [desperately] But Father, these ARE facts!

      Dr. Griffiths: I just don't understand this foolishness, Lizzy. You have such talent. Why would you waste it this way?

      Lizzy: [visibly hurt and shocked by her father's words] Why can't you just...


      Lizzy: *believe* me?

      Dr. Griffiths: I believe in what is real. And it's about time *you* started doing the same.

      [goes to her wall of fairy art and starts tearing it down]

      Lizzy: [fighting back tears] Father, wait!

      Dr. Griffiths: I know this is difficult for you to understand. But... this... is all make-believe!

      [throws some of Lizzy's pictures into the trash]

      Lizzy: No! They're real!

      Dr. Griffiths: Elizabeth! This discussion is over!

      [throws away the fairy field journal]