Andrei Lenart

Andrei Lenart

  • Born: 1992-9-20
  • Height: 6' 2¾" (1.9 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Kingsman: The Secret Service quotes

    • [the Interrogator questions Charlie, who is tied to a railroad track]

      The Interrogator: Is Kingsman worth dying for?

      Charlie: No it fucking isn't! Shit! I'll tell you what you want, please! Chester King's Arthur! Arthur's head of the secret spy agency! It's called Kingsman! Get me out of here!

      The Interrogator: Thank you, Charlie. Much appreciated.

      [Interrogator walks away]

      Charlie: No, that wasn't the fucking deal!

      [Train passes over Charlie and the section he's tied to drops down. Section rises as Arthur arrives at the scene]

      Arthur: I had such high hopes for you. You're a bloody disgrace.

      Charlie: I'm so sorry. Please untie me.

      Arthur: Untie yourself.

      [Arthur walks away]

      Charlie: Arth- Arthur, please. Shit. Anyone!

      [Merlin, Hart, Eggsy, Roxy, and Percival observe the scene in the control room]

      Merlin: Galahad, Percival, congratulations. Your candidates have reached the final stage of the testing process. As tradition allows, you will have 24 hours to spend with them. Eggsy, you should know your father reached this point. From now on, there are no safety nets. Understood?

      [Eggsy and Roxy look at each other and nod to Merlin]

      Merlin: Good. Dismissed.

      [the Kingsman agents and candidates leave the room. Merlin turns around and turns on the loudspeaker at the railway]

      Merlin: Charlie, time to go home.

      Charlie: Fuck you! Fucking dad's gonna hear about this!

    • [At Hart's home, Eggsy looks at the various front pages of The Sun on the wall]

      Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: 'To Pee or Not to Pee?'

      Harry Hart: That was the headline the day after I defused a dirty bomb in Paris.

      Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: 'Germany: 1, England: 5'

      Harry Hart: Missed that game. I was breaking up an undercover spy ring at the Pentagon.

      [Eggsy looks at the other headlines, then points at the Prince Charles and Princess Diana wedding issue]

      Harry Hart: My first mission. Foiled the assassination of Margaret Thatcher.

      Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: Not everybody had thanked you for that one.

      Harry Hart: The point is, Eggsy, nobody thanked me for any of them. Front page news and all these occasions are celebrity nonsense. Because it's the nature of Kingsman that our achievements remain secret. A gentleman's name should appear in the newspaper only three times: When he's born, when he marries, and when he dies. And we are, first and foremost, gentlemen.

      Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: That's me fucked, then. It's like Charlie said: I'm just a pleb.

      Harry Hart: Nonsense. Being a gentleman has nothing to do with the circumstances of one's birth. Being a gentleman is something one learns.

      Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: Yeah, but how?

      Harry Hart: Alright, first lesson. You should have asked me before you took your seat. Second lesson: How to make a proper Martini.

      Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: Yes, Harry.