Doris 2022-11-03 23:17:11
– It’s great to have you, I feel very happy – I think I am happier – no, I am happier!! – I am happy to Barcelona! – I am happy to the sky – yes, then I am happier! - How far? - Three meters above the sky.
I always feel that all this happened too fast, from being in love to being unfamiliar. Maybe...
Leonel 2022-11-16 04:36:58
is the largest word appears even though the male looks very ferocious fierce he has been with the people around say tranquilo his inner desire is how quiet
they are very similar to each other rebellious bones will attract only need a little bit of fuse Outbursts that have been suppressed...

Andrea Duro
Three Steps Above Heaven quotes
Narration: Suddenly you realize that everything is over
H.: I'm going away for a while
H.: To London
H.: To Work
Alejandro: That's a good idea.
H.: I can't stay here
Narration: There's no going back.
Narration: You Feel It.
Narration: And then you try to remember
Narration: at what point it all began
Narration: and you discover it started before you thought
Narration: [Child Girl says Hello to the Boy Child. Both Smile] Long Before
Narration: And it's at that moment
Narration: You realize things happen only once
Narration: And no matter how hard you try
Narration: You'll never feel the same again
Narration: You'll never again feel you're three meters above the sky.
Narration: Three meters above the sky.