Briana 2022-06-21 18:58:34
I feel like a piece of my heart has been ripped out by this movie
Darion 2022-06-21 17:33:06
Paulie: Lesbian? Lesbian? Are you fucking kidding me, you think I'm a LESBIAN?
Mouse: You're a girl in love with a girl, aren't you?
Paulie: No! I'm PAULIE in love with TORI . Remember? And Tori, she is, she IS in love with me because she is mine and I am hers and neither of us are LESBIANS! ...i

Amy Stewart
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Paulie: Hey, new girl, what do you think of Vaughnie?
Tori: [giggling] Don't call her "new girl," it's so rude!
Mouse: Miss Vaughn? She's nice.
[Paulie chuckles]
Tori: Some of the girls say rude things about her.
Paulie: She and Bannet, they got it goin' on for sure.
Tori: Paulie, give it a rest. She's just a single lady, and they're very good friends, and that's it. Don't be so mean... or homophobic.
Mouse: She seemed nice to me.
[Paulie and Tori stare at her]
Mouse: I mean, um, normal. Well, not...
Paulie: I'm not sayin' she's not nice new girl, I'm sayin' shes a LES-BO! And she got the hots for Tori here.
[Tori scoffs]
Paulie: Who can blame her, eh?
[squeezes Tori's face playfully]
Paulie: Beautiful.
Alison Moller and friends: It's morning time, you lazy sluts! Out of bed, or we kick your butts!