Amitai Marmorstein

Amitai Marmorstein

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore quotes

    • Butch: Where could Kitty be hiding that satellite dish.

      Catherine: It must be huge, you can't just hide something like that.

      Diggs: Hey wait a second, that ride, it looks kinda like a.

      Catherine: It sure does.

      Butch: It's huge

      Seamus: What? All I see is a giant satellite disk looking, ohhh.

    • Reporter: We've all seen his commercials, but today it appears Crazy Carlito really is off his rocker. he's claimed his prices are insane, Now it appears he is too. The simulation is tense, as we wait for someone to come end this standoff.