Alexis Spraic

Alexis Spraic

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Wristcutters: A Love Story quotes

    • Eugene: I'm not sitting in the back.

      Zia: Why not?

      Eugene: 'Cause everybody knows guy in the back seat doesn't have a cock.

      Zia: What?

      Eugene: That's a fact. If the guy in the backseat had a cock, he wouldn't be back there in the first place.

      [Mikal scroffs]

      Zia: Well, I... I mean, I got a cock man. So, how can... I'm not... Mik, do you have a cock?

      Mikal: Yeah, I have a cock.

      Zia: Wut?

      Mikal: Big fat one.

      [cut to the shot in which Eugene is sitting in between Zia and Mikal in front]

    • Mikal: Are you joking? Do you guys like it here? Who the hell likes being stuck in a place where you can't even smile? It's hot as balls, everybody's an asshole. I just wanna go home.