Alexis Georgoulis

Alexis Georgoulis

  • Born: 1974-10-6
  • Height: 5' 11" (1.8 m)
  • Extended Reading

    My Life in Ruins quotes

    • Georgia: [on the bus, to her group] I'd like to apologize for my unprofessional attitude this morning. Have you ever had one of those days? Actually, it's been about a year.

      [as he raises his hand]

      Georgia: Yes, Irv.

      Irv: Me too! I would like to apologize to everybody. It was my medication. I take Preparation H, 'cause I'm an asshole.

    • Georgia: [walking around the ruins] I know every fact and every figure about this place. I mean, I love it here. And they just want to have fun. And I get it, but I don't know how to make this job fun.

      Irv: Well if you call it a job, it ain't fun. I mean, look at porn stars. They get to 'schtup' all day. They should be happy. You never hear about a happy porn star.