Alexei Aigui

Alexei Aigui

  • Born: 1971-7-11
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Truth quotes

    • Fabienne Dangeville: I was a bad mother, a bad friend, but so what? I prefer to have been a bad mother, a bad friend and a good actress. You may not forgive me, but the public does. Why am I telling you this? You can't understand what actors feel.

    • Fabienne Dangeville: How can you put up with a woman like her? Hats off to you. Save your energy for your acting. It's not a job you do halfway. The daily grind doesn't matter. You know what I think? When actresses start getting involved in charity and politics, they've lost vis-à-vis the profession. They've lost the battle on screen, so, they dive into reality. They pretend to fight against reality. Understand? It's not the contrary. I've always won that battle. That's why I can withstand solitude.