Alex Craig Mann

Alex Craig Mann

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Bowfinger quotes

    • Terry Stricter: What did this alien want from you?

      Kit Ramsey: She wants to inhale my gonads!

      Terry Stricter: Say again?

      Kit Ramsey: My gonads! My gonads! What they do is they come down to shake your hands. The aliens pretend to be shaking your hands. But, they not! They inhale your gonads and take them back to they're world for special research!

      Terry Stricter: Kit, maybe you should stay with us for a few days... in our special celebrity relaxing quarters.

      Kit Ramsey: [nervously smiling] You think I need that?

      Terry Stricter: I do.

      Kit Ramsey: [to one of his entourage] Hey, go get my checkbook! Keep it together.

    • Bowfinger: Do you have any experience in motion pictures?

      Jiff Ramsey: Oh, yeah, I have quite a bit, actually. Quite a bit of experience. I'm active renter at Blockbuster and I attend the film to cinema as much as possible. Weekly, bi-weekly, inter-week - intermediate-ly.