Alan Mowbray

Alan Mowbray

  • Born: 1896-8-18
  • Height: 6' (1.83 m)
  • Extended Reading

    That Hamilton Woman quotes

    • Emma: What are those bells?

      Lord Horatio Nelson: Have you forgotten what night this is? Last of 1799; eight bells for the old year, and eight for the new. Happy New Year, darling.

      Emma: Happy New Year.

      Lord Horatio Nelson: The dawn of a new century.

      Emma: 1800. How strange it sounds.

      Lord Horatio Nelson: What a century it's been: Marlborough rode to war, and Washington crossed the Delaware. Louis XVI, and Marie Antoinette. The last of the Stuarts. Peter the Great. Voltaire. Clive of India. Bonaparte...

      Emma: ...Nelson.

    • Emma: ...and I forgot London, and the old ways. I was young. I healed quickly. I learned French and Italian, music and dancing. And one day, I had more than I ever dreamed of. I became his wife... Emma, Lady Hamilton.