Dillan 2022-07-21 20:32:34
Put aside your position and talk about your feelings
The style is very different from the first one, which was mainly about the urgency of climate change in terms of reality, and this one is mainly about the political efforts to make it happen. As far as the viewing experience is concerned, I still admire Mr. Gore quite a bit. He has been frustrated...
Milan 2022-07-21 16:53:47
Ecological Environment Protection in Political Environment
I originally wanted to give it three stars, but after all, the idea of this movie is to benefit people all over the world, and the second half of the movie has a clear feeling of strength, so I still give it four stars. What I don't like is that the first half is too scattered and doesn't...

Al Franken
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power quotes
Mr. Narendra Modi (PM of India): [at COP21] Democratic India must grow rapidly to meet the aspirations of 1.25 billion people 300 million of whom are without access to energy. Energy is a basic human need. There should be no place for unilateral steps that become economic barriers for others. So, we still need conventional energy, fossil fuel. And anything else will be morally wrong.
Al Gore: Ten years ago, when the movie An Inconvenient Truth came out, the single most criticised scene in that movie was an animated scene showing that the combination of sea level rise and storm surge would put the ocean water into the 9/11 memorial site, which was then under construction.