Winona 2022-10-17 17:26:27
The Best of Me - Find Love, Find Your Best Self
I saw this simple movie title without reading the trailer or intro and opened it up. The background of the film's opening is that the oil drilling base catches fire. The male protagonist comes on stage, saves his colleagues, and then he is pushed into the deep sea by the sudden explosion. Between...
Ernestina 2022-10-06 19:13:51
For me who don't know what love is, I want to give 5 points if I just look at the part about their love. I liked Amanda when I was younger. But the whole story is so bullshit, and if it's real, I'm sorry at best, I won't get anything out of it. Back then, you gave up on your own. You are the best...

Adam Sulony
Young Amanda: Are you actually about to say something else?
Younger Dawson: My cousin thinks you were trying to talk to me the other day.
Young Amanda: I was.
Younger Dawson: He thinks I blew it.
Young Amanda: You did. You don't know how to flirt, do you?
Younger Dawson: Guess not.
Young Amanda: Well, what are you gonna do about it? OK. This isn't working. OK, I'll tell you want. uh... I want you to think about it and, uh... meet me at Squeals Saturday night at 6:00 maybe? - Dawson nodes his head - Is that a yes?
Younger Dawson: Yeah.
Young Amanda: OK. Maybe you'll figure out how to flirt with me by then. -Amanda Starts Engine - Thank you.
Younger Dawson: You're welcome.
Tuck: Remember that thistle problem I had in the garden last year? Thistle is one tough weed. You can't pull it, or mow it. You have to dig it out by the root.While I was digging I got to thinking about you and Dawson.you have wounds that never healed and you lived with them so long you don't even know they're there anymore.Pain has deep roots.The only way to dig it out is to forgive him, and forgive yourself.