Humberto 2022-09-13 22:11:59
The Undead of Jericho - Inspector Morse Season 1 Episode 1 (Full Spoiler, Be Careful)
101 the dead of the Jericho
Case piano teacher death case
Lew 2022-09-13 22:15:41
The Prayer of All Souls - Inspector Morse Season 1 Episode 3 (Spoilers Beware!)
103 service of all the dead

Adam Morris
Extended Reading
Morse: Ideals come to torment us all at some stage, or at least they should do.
[to Lewis, feeling sorry for himself]
Morse: I'm old and unmarried, and I don't understand human nature. What does it matter?
Lewis: How old are you?
Morse: I forget, Robbie.