Lilla 2022-10-06 14:53:55
If you can't fit the short review, just put it here
First Blood 5 I heard that the box office was a fiasco, which is reasonable and unexpected. It is reasonable to say that it is not too bleak if there is a blessing. After all, it is a big IP. It seems that the influence of Brother Long is gradually declining and has become silent, similar The same...
Dorothy 2022-10-06 07:26:42
Jackie Chan vs Stallone?
After watching this, I thought of Jackie Chan's movies that jumped up and down. No wonder Americans like to call Chinese monkeys. There may be some factors in it. I personally think that if it is a film, it must be tough and merciless. Chinese people cannot be bound by the way of Confucius and...

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Victor Martinez: Arizona. So, what... did they run out of whores over there?
John Rambo: [to Hugo on walkie-talkie, after killing all of Hugo's men] They're all dead. All of them. I could have killed you ten times, but I wanted you last.
Hugo Martinez: Fuck you.
John Rambo: No, fuck you, dead man. I want you to feel my rage, my hate, when I reach into your chest and RIP OUT YOUR HEART! Like you did mine.
Hugo Martinez: [in Spanish] Fuck you... and your bitch too!
John Rambo: You wanna live? Follow the lights!
[detonates tunnels]