- The original footage of the film reached 200 hours, and the first cut was 4 hours and 30 minutes. It took Ceylon great effort to finally reduce its duration to 3 hours and 15 minutes.
- The film won the Palme d'Or in Cannes in 2014, but was eliminated in the first round of the journey to declare the best foreign language film Oscar on behalf of Turkey.
- The second Turkish film in history to win the highest award in Cannes, the previous one was "Freedom Road" in 1982. 2014 coincides with the centenary of the birth of Turkish cinema.
- "Winter Sleep" is the longest film ever to win Palme d'Or in Cannes.
- Haluk Bilginer, who plays the leading actor, has refused the invitation of Ceylon three times because the busy stage performance schedule made him unable to get away. But Ceylon insisted on using this actor and only started filming when he was free.
- The design elements of the hand-painted poster of the movie come from the cover painted by the painter I. Glazunov for Dostoevsky's first novel "Nedochka Netsvanova". This painting can be seen in Nihal's bedroom in the film.
- The protagonist's name "Aydin" has the meaning of "intellectual" in Turkish.
- There was a scene of torturous horses in the film, which brought the director Ceylon to legal prosecution.
Winter Sleep behind the scenes gags
Lolita 2021-12-26 08:01:33
In the movie, there are Gongzhi, Our Lady, Wenqing, Xiaomin, Diaomin, and muddy people. In a small society, everyone becomes a small closed kingdom and talks to each other. The lines between brothers and sisters quarreling and husband and wife quarreling are too emotional, making people want to rush in and tear them... PS: I can see it so clearly, it is naturally inferior to Asia Asia
Vicenta 2022-04-02 09:01:05
[Beijing Film Festival Screening] I haven't watched it, I thought it would be very boring, but it turned out to be a chatter film. The script jointly completed by the director and his wife shows tit-for-tat conflict of views from different gender, age, class and other perspectives, and sharply attack each other. And finally accompanied by parting, disillusionment and sublimation. The bitch and the Virgin are flying together, the literary and the youth are the same. Worth discussing. The big screen works well. Not only the director's Q&A, but also the Turkish girls of friends to explain
Aydin: Justice doesn't even exist in nature, why should it exist here?
Aydin: [Epilogue] Nihal, I didn't go away. I couldn't. Whether it's because I've grown old, or I've gone mad, or because I've become a different man, think what you like. I just don't know. But this new man inside me for a few days won't let me go away. Please, don't ask me to go either. I now understand nothing is calling me to Istanbul. Everything is alien to me there as it is everywhere else. I want you to know that I have no one but you. And I miss you every minute, every second that goes by. But my pride will never let me tell you this. I know very well how to terrible or impossible it would be to part from you. Just as I know that you do not love me anymore. I know we can't go back to the old days. And there is no need to. Take me with you like a servant, like a slave. And let us continue our life even if we do it your way. Forgive me.